Here Is What Your Baby Could Be Saying

Crying is a way of communication for babies especially if they feel any form of discomfort. A crying baby is trying to tell you something. Your job is to figure out what exactly this baby is trying to say. Your baby could be saying.
I am hungry
This is probably the first thing that might come to your mind. Most new babies eat every few hours .Some babies become fuzzy, so learning the early signs of hunger of your many will help avoid such fuzziness, Some hunger signs to watch for in newborns include fussing, lip smacking, rooting (a newborn reflex that makes babies turn their head toward your hand when you stroke their cheek), and putting their hands to their mouth.
I need to burp
Babies do swallow air while sucking breast or bottle. This air is trapped in the stomach or esophagus. If the air is not released it causes discomfort. So if a baby continues to cry after been fed and this may be the cause. Frequent burping can help reduce discomfort the can lead to tears.
I need a change of diaper
A wet or soiled diaper makes some babies uncomfortable and may make them cry. It a good thing to check the diaper often to make sure it’s clean and dry.
I need to sleep
Your baby might need more sleep than you think. It’s worth trying to rock the baby to sleep when crying continues
I am lonely
Sometimes simply seeing you, hearing your voice or being cuddled can stop the tears. Gently hold your baby to your chest. You might place your baby on his or her left side to aid digestion or on his or her stomach for support. Gentle pats on the back might soothe a crying baby, too.
I Need To Move
Sometimes a rocking session or walk through the house can soothe a crying baby. In other cases, a change of position is all that's needed. Keeping safety precautions in mind, try a baby swing or vibrating infant seat. Head outdoors with the stroller. You might even want to buckle up for a car ride
I am Cold or Hot
It could be that your baby is hot or cold and you either need to cover the baby with a blanket or remove the blanket if covered.
It is too noisy
Noise can cause discomfort especially when a baby wants to sleep or tired. It is good to move the baby to somewhere calm.
I am having a gas pain
Sometimes it could be stomach pain associated with gas. This pain is referred to as colic. If you suspect gas, try putting her on her back, grasping her feet, and moving her legs in a gentle bicycling motion.
Crying it out
If you have tried everything above, and your baby is still crying and does not appear sick, consider letting the baby cry it out. Crying will definitely not hurt your baby.
Two days back, my two months old was crying, I tried to soothe her but she won't stop. It hurt me so bad I could not figure out what was wrong. We ended up crying it out. Yes, she was crying and I joined her but after some time she stopped and she had a good four-hour nap.
Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you enjoyed this article.
Lots of love,

Maky Churchill

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